
Barry Sackin
B. Sackin & Associates, LLC
Murrieta, CA

For more than 30 years, Barry Sackin has befriended child nutrition as a foodservice director, a volunteer leader, a member of the SNA Board of Directors, a respected consultant, and so much more! He was a leader in promoting school breakfast and summer programs and with his expertise in policy and programs he was able to clearly articulate the issues to policy-makers at the USDA and on the Hill. Local School Wellness Policies came from his work and that may be one of the most transformative changes on school campuses in a generation. Barry’s efforts on the menu planning regulations resulting from the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act helped communicate the concerns many had with the proposed regulations. His advocacy helped improve some of the more challenging parts of the rule, including USDA’s willingness to waive and ultimately reverse the caps on meats and grains. Few people possess Barry’s knowledge of child nutrition policy in addition to the ability to apply the real world of school foodservice to the policy process. His contributions to the welfare of children can be seen and felt throughout our industry.